Sunday, August 28, 2011


What’s Gud Y’all
            It’s Ya Boy, Ya Man, Ya Nephew, Mr. USU, T.J. I hope this post is reaching you well! Honestly, I can’t believe classes are starting up again. Even for me, this feeling of anxiety & nervous jitters are always present this time of year. As the students start to populate the Logan campus, and the days start to get cooler, I can’t help but get excited. I’ve been running around all week trying to get my books, walking with my connections class, and reconnecting with old friends. I love the atmosphere!
I am SoOoOo HYPED, because this year I will be interacting with you through this blog & my videos. I will be giving you updates about what is going on weekly as far as things on campus, my life, student life, etc. Also, once a month I will post a video of something cool I did IN LOGAN! So strap up and get ready because I will be showing you a side of USU that you have never seen! I invite you into my world, and I hope that by the end of this journey you “Discover Utah State University” or better yet, discover yourself @ USU!
Be Encouraged!!!